Robots in Contexts: Human-Robot Interaction as Physically and Socially Embedded – CfP

ECCE 2017 Workshop on Robots in Contexts: Human-Robot Interaction as Physically and Socially Embedded
September 19, 2017, Umeå, Sweden

Submission deadline: July 31, 2017

This one-day workshop will be held as part of ECCE 2017 (the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Umeå, Sweden, September 20-22, 2017,

The authors of the accepted papers will be invited to submit extended papers to the Special Issue on Robots in Context (


Robotic technologies are being increasingly integrated into real life settings. The adoption of robots by the society is transcending the initial fascination with novel technology and is gradually entering a new phase, characterized by a massive impact of the technology on various aspects of our everyday lives. These developments emphasize the need to better understand how robotic technologies shape, and are being shaped by, the physical and social contexts in which they are used. The aim of this one-day workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in analysis, design, and evaluation of physically and socially embedded human-robot interaction (HRI) and, in the context of ECCE, identify key relevant issues and collectively explore a range of methods, concepts, and design approaches that could help address such issues. The topics of discussions include (but not limited to):

  • spacing and orientation,
  • agency,
  • activity awareness and accountability,
  • robot and human identities,
  • responsibility, rights, and ownership,
  • power differences,
  • action capabilities and affordances,
  • human-robot collaboration,
  • perceptions and identities,
  • social etiquette,
  • social interaction,
  • ecosystems of interconnected smart objects.


  • Submission by: July 31, 2017
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 18, 2017
  • Workshop: September 19, 2017 (the day before the main conference)


We invite the submission of position papers, up to 2 pages (including references) in the ACM SIGCHI proceedings format (see offering perspectives on contextually embedded human-robot interaction. At least one author of each accepted position paper must attend the workshop.

Submissions should be made by email to and by July 31, 2017.

All workshop participants must register for both the workshop and the main conference.


  • Victor Kaptelinin, Professor at the Department of Informatics, Umeå University, Sweden
  • Andrey Kiselev, Researcher at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS), Örebro University, Sweden
  • Amy Loutfi, Professor at the Center for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS), Örebro University, Sweden
  • Thomas Hellström, Professor at the Department of Computing Science, Umeå University, Sweden

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